Thursday, November 20, 2014

5 Things Your Emoji History says about you: A link up

So recently Stephanie and I were texting and somehow we both confessed that we love using Emojis. Emojis are probably my love language. They just express so much more emotion than what I can use in black and white letters.

We had the idea that if you just looked at the most recently used Emojis tab on someone's phone you would learn a lot about them. So that is where this idea came from. Because what you emoji about is what your heart cares about. OK that is not true but I really hope you will take up this challenge!

So here are my most recently used Emojis and 5 things you can learn about me from them!

Number 1 - I am really, really, really excited for Christmas! I use those emojis ALL. THE. TIME!

Number 2- I cry a lot. I cry more than I probably should.  I can't help it. Life is beautiful. There are still good people in this world and they make me happy cry tears of joy all the time. 

Number 3- I am bashful & embarrassed a lot. The Monkey covering his eyes? I use that little guy when I mess up. Or when other people do something confusing or weird. It's like saying "I can't watch this silly thing unfold I am going to cover my eyes until it goes away!"

Number 4- I am emotional. I am tired often. That little sleepy guy gets used on the reg! Being awake is hard work sometimes. I also send my husband those heart eyes all the time. I am that person. I send him kissies! (that was over the top on purpose)

Number 5 - The remaining emojis prove that I am a sugar- obsessed- strong-armed- ballerina! (Who doesn't dance and has limited upper body strength!)

What about you?? Go screen shot your most recently used Emojis and link up with Stephanie and I right here! RIGHT NOW (but we will also keep this open for a bit so you can have a second to do so!) 


  1. HA! I love this! I do believe I will be doing this as well. I use the crying laughing emoji ALL the time.

  2. way too funny!! I think heart eyes and laughing / crying is my top one right now

  3. I tend to just use a smiley face! I need to be more adventurous with emojis.

  4. This is a great idea for a linkup, so cute!

  5. yeah! ya gotta branch out haha! Emojis are SOO much fun!

  6. Too funny! I cry a lot, too...and give thumbs up and high fives. Oh, and clap. :-D

  7. LOL, this is too funny! I tend to use the same emoji over and over again but I think I *might* take a screen shot and link up--haha!

  8. doooo itttt!!!! i want to read more :) hahaha

  9. oh girl…. you gotta get on the emoji train.

  10. a camera!!!! i didn't even realize they had that one hahaha.

  11. the clapping one! so underrated!!!

  12. DO IT! i want to see a zillion of them!!! hahaha

  13. These are the best! I use emoji's way too much!!
    Melanie @

  14. you can never use Emojis too much! They're the best!!! :)


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