Tuesday, February 24, 2015

21 Day Fix Approved Coffee

Good Morning. Hope you're doing just splendidly. I know I am - because I am writing this whilst sipping my morning cup of coffee. It's no secret my husband and I are doing the  21 Day Fix  (Day 15 Update Here) When I started the 21 Day Fix I was worried I wasn't going to get to enjoy my daily coffee. Turns out - I can. I just couldn't have it the same way I had before. aka with lots of hazelnut creamer. 

 I found this pin on Pinterest and adapted it to my liking and now- I can't get enough of this stuff! It is frothy and creamy, sweet but not too sweet deeeelish! 

Freshly Brewed Coffee
1/8 tsp Coconut Oil
1/8 tsp All Natural Vanilla Extract
1-4 tsps Fat Free Milk

1) Brew a fresh cup of coffee. 

2) In your blender (or personal cup attachment for your ninja) add your fat free milk, coconut oil, and vanilla. Depending on how much you like cream in your coffee you can have 1-4 tps of fat free milk.

 3) Pour in your coffee

4) Blend for 5 seconds
5) Pour back into cup

6)Enjoy the frothy goodness

So that's it! It's so easy and so good! Will I ever have hazelnut creamer again? Maybe. Will I ever have half & half at a restaurant or event? Most likely. Is this my go-to morning caffeine fix? You betcha! Try it out and let me know what you think!

How does that sound? Would you ever make something like that? Have you tried something similar? What is your healthy way to make coffee??


  1. So have to ask a question that may seem TMI... but does the coconut oil mess with your belly?

  2. Ooo... Good to know that you can still have coffee while doing the 21 day fix! :-)

  3. not TMI at all! It doesn't actually I've been using it in various things and it I haven't noticed anything!

  4. (not so pro tip) - make sure you know how to properly use your blender or else coffee everywhere.


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